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Fall Indoor League


Standings are based on these criteria in this order: overall winning percentage, head-to-head winning percentage, head-to-head plus/minus, head-to-head points for, head-to-head point against, overall plus/minus, overall points for, overall point against, ranking (if one exists), team name (alphabetical). If you see anything here that doesn't seem to make sense, please let us know.

TeamOverall ResultsRelevant Head-to-Head Results
PlayedWonTiedLostWinning %Pts ForPts Against+/-PlayedWonTiedLostWinning %Pts ForPts Against+/-
Speedy Dawgs (7)88001.0001499950
Coaches Corner (4)86020.750132943811001.0001459
4 - Checking (1)86020.750119794010010.000514-9
Huck It We Ball (5)85030.6251389345
XYZ (3)83050.375107125-18
Ultimaniacs (8)82060.25085132-4711001.0001275
Slush Puppies (6)82060.25077129-5210010.000712-5
Vote for Pedro (2)80080.00073129-56


Friday November 8, 2024

RoundDate / TimeFieldTeam 1Team 2Results
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1XYZ (3)Ultimaniacs (8)XYZ won 16–13
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Huck It We Ball (5)Slush Puppies (6)Huck It We Ball won 25–5
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 34 - Checking (1)Vote for Pedro (2)4 - Checking won 15–6
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4Coaches Corner (4)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 17–12
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 14 - Checking (1)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 18–17
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Vote for Pedro (2)Huck It We Ball (5)Huck It We Ball won 23–8
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Slush Puppies (6)Ultimaniacs (8)Ultimaniacs won 12–7
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4XYZ (3)Coaches Corner (4)Coaches Corner won 16–9

Friday November 15, 2024

RoundDate / TimeFieldTeam 1Team 2Results
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1Speedy Dawgs (7)Ultimaniacs (8)Speedy Dawgs won 19–11
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2XYZ (3)Huck It We Ball (5)Huck It We Ball won 15–14
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 34 - Checking (1)Coaches Corner (4)Coaches Corner won 14–5
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4Vote for Pedro (2)Slush Puppies (6)Slush Puppies won 12–8
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1Huck It We Ball (5)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 20–14
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Coaches Corner (4)Ultimaniacs (8)Coaches Corner won 20–12
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Vote for Pedro (2)XYZ (3)XYZ won 16–13
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 44 - Checking (1)Slush Puppies (6)4 - Checking won 13–7

Friday November 22, 2024

RoundDate / TimeFieldTeam 1Team 2Results
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1Slush Puppies (6)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 21–11
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Vote for Pedro (2)Coaches Corner (4)Coaches Corner won 20–9
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Huck It We Ball (5)Ultimaniacs (8)Huck It We Ball won 18–5
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 44 - Checking (1)XYZ (3)4 - Checking won 18–8
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 14 - Checking (1)Ultimaniacs (8)4 - Checking won 20–8
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Vote for Pedro (2)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 15–9
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Coaches Corner (4)Huck It We Ball (5)Coaches Corner won 18–14
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4XYZ (3)Slush Puppies (6)Slush Puppies won 17–13

Friday November 29, 2024

RoundDate / TimeFieldTeam 1Team 2Results
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 14 - Checking (1)Huck It We Ball (5)4 - Checking won 15–9
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Vote for Pedro (2)Ultimaniacs (8)Ultimaniacs won 12–11
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Coaches Corner (4)Slush Puppies (6)Coaches Corner won 17–10
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4XYZ (3)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 21–10
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1XYZ (3)Ultimaniacs (8)XYZ won 21–12
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Huck It We Ball (5)Slush Puppies (6)Huck It We Ball won 20–8
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 34 - Checking (1)Vote for Pedro (2)4 - Checking won 16–9
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4Coaches Corner (4)Speedy Dawgs (7)Speedy Dawgs won 18–15

Friday December 6, 2024

RoundDate / TimeFieldTeam 1Team 2
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 14 - Checking (1)Speedy Dawgs (7)
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Vote for Pedro (2)Huck It We Ball (5)
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Slush Puppies (6)Ultimaniacs (8)
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4XYZ (3)Coaches Corner (4)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1Speedy Dawgs (7)Ultimaniacs (8)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2XYZ (3)Huck It We Ball (5)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 34 - Checking (1)Coaches Corner (4)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 4Vote for Pedro (2)Slush Puppies (6)

Friday December 13, 2024

RoundDate / TimeFieldTeam 1Team 2
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1Huck It We Ball (5)Speedy Dawgs (7)
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Coaches Corner (4)Ultimaniacs (8)
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Vote for Pedro (2)XYZ (3)
17:00pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 44 - Checking (1)Slush Puppies (6)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 1Slush Puppies (6)Speedy Dawgs (7)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 2Vote for Pedro (2)Coaches Corner (4)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 3Huck It We Ball (5)Ultimaniacs (8)
17:50pmCFB Kingston Sports Dome 44 - Checking (1)XYZ (3)

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