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News Archive for June 2006

Pick-up Monday

Posted by Joel on June 24, 2006

for those playing pick-up Monday night, please be aware that a league game is scheduled for field 4 at 6:00pm - if there are enough people for 2 fields to be used for pick-up, then we will need to split the field space into 3 fields (as per Wednesday nights)

cheers, Joel.

Expiry Date: Monday, June 26, 2006

Green friendly

Posted by Joel on June 5, 2006

To try and be as environmentally friendly as possible it would be appreciated if people start bringing their own plate (and luckily frisbees make great plates) to the BBQ - this will cut down on a lot of the paper plate waste - there will still be paper plates for those unable to bring their own, but it would be great if we could dramatically reduce the amount of waste we're creating each week

thanks, Joel.

Expiry Date: Monday, June 12, 2006

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