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News Archive for April 2004

Summer League Registration

Posted by Joel on April 1, 2004

Registration for Kingston Summer League will take place on Wednesday May 19 at 8pm at the Elixir (14 Garrett St.). League fees will be collected ($40.00 per person - cash or cheque made payable to Kingston Ultimate), and team shirts, schedules, and field information will be distributed. Please plan to attend if you intend to play summer league.

Expiry Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Spring/Summer Pick-Up

Posted by Joel on April 1, 2004

Pick-up starts officially on Monday May 3 at 5:30pm at Oakridge Park (off of Sir John A MacDonald Blvd. south of Johnson St.). After Victoria Day weekend, Monday pick-up will move to St. Lawrence College. If the weather is nice in April, check city park in the late afternoon for more pick-up.

Expiry Date: Monday, May 10, 2004

Summer League Information and Sign-Up Night

Posted by Joel on April 1, 2004

A general information and sign-up session will take place on Wednesday May 5 at 8pm at the Elixir (14 Garrett St.). If you're interested in playing in the Kingston Summer League, please attend for information about the league, about pick-up, and about ultimate in general, and to sign-up as an individual, as a group, or as a full team. Please plan to attend if you intend to play summer league.

Expiry Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2004

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