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News Archive for May 2008

Field Change

Posted by Joel on May 26, 2008

please note that this Wednesday we will be using fields 10 and 11 at QECVI instead of fields 12 and 13

also there has been one ranking change - the 'hat team' and 'the fire in lily's pants' have switched places

these changes have been made to the schedule below

Expiry Date: Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Schedule and more

Posted by Joel on May 17, 2008

below is the schedule for the first game and initial rankings:

Slot 1 (5:30-6:50): Slot 2 (6:55-8:15)
Field 1.....9 v 10......5 v 6
Field 2....11 v 12......7 v 8
Field 3....13 v 14......25 v 26
Field 4....15 v 16......1 v 2
Field 5....17 v 18......3 v 4
Field 6....19 v 20......27 v 28
Field 10...21 v 22......29 v 30
Field 11...23 v 24......31 v 32

Rank: Team
1 Def Leppard Fan Club
2 Da Flatballaz
3 Dragones
4 The Juice
5 Disc O' Inferno
6 No Touching
7 Charcooligans
8 The Fire in Lily's Pants
9 Cartwheels
10 Colin Sacco's Team
11 Keysters
12 Mother Huckers
13 Taq Attack
14 Tom Bush's Team
16 Yukon Cornelius
17 Botswanian Figure Skaters
18 Brain Diggers
19 Disc Warriors
20 Genetically Engineered Super Humans
21 Gong Show
22 Oddballs
23 Pull My Finger
24 Hat Team
25 Hungry Hungry Hippos
26 Off in the Shower
27 Show Me Your Hammer
28 Tea Baggers - Ultimate Edition
29 Team Ramrod
30 The Incredible Huck
31 Ultimate Grass Hoppers
32 You're Awesome!

cheers, Joel.

Expiry Date: Thursday, May 29, 2008


Posted by Joel on May 2, 2008

given that many people seemed to have missed the registration deadline, we are reopening registration until midnight Saturday

to register go to the 'Summer League' link and click on Registration in the drop down menu

Expiry Date: Sunday, May 4, 2008

Pick Up Games

Posted by Joel on April 22, 2008

given the long weekend, pick up will be moved to Monday at 3pm at McCullough Park (see the fields link for a map)

after the 20th pick up will shift to St Lawrence (fenced in fields) on Monday and Friday nights at 6pm

keep in mind if there is heavy rain, pick up will be canceled

hope to see you out,

Expiry Date: Friday, May 23, 2008


Gender Blender

Posted by Joel on March 27, 2008

Hey Everyone,

Gender Blender is heading into it's twelveth glorious year of top notch ultimate, amazing outdoor fun, crazy activity, awesome food and of course... blenderific partying amongst the genders.

If you're never been to Gender Blender, simply ask around. You'll be told stories of a weekend so fantastic, it is almost mythical. Crazy all-night parties where people hand you drinks just because you ask! Grass greener than any seen on a city field. Discs that fly the length of the field to the receivers hands, practically on their own! Cowboys and nurses, Tim Hortons and lingerie, Drinko and Mini-golf! All-star games and Talent shows, and singing to Jon Bon Jovi at the top of your lungs. Wandering back to your tent at 4am in the morning only to get up to the smell of bacon from Larry's trailer park. Camping and swimming, awesome food, runaway gnomes, tough D and layouts, more teams than at any tourney outside of Nationals!

And it's all true.

So come one, come all... get a team together, submit an amazing bid to get in and head to the promised land in Fergus Ontario this June.

Gender Blender XII Website for details

We look forward to seeing you there!
Blue (

Expiry Date: Saturday, June 7, 2008

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